However, the use of HFNC resulted in improved PaO2/FiO2 post-extubation (P < 0.05). There were more ventilator-free days in the HFNC group (P< 0.05) and fewer patients required reintubation (1 vs. 6). There were no differences in ICU length of stay or mortality.This study demonstrated...
Feed-in TariffElectricityPolicy EvaluationPhilippinesRenewable EnergyIn order to address the challenges of energy security and climate change, the Philippines enacted the Renewable Energy (RE) Act of 2008 to promote renewable eneLagac, Joyce Marie...
Keywords:renewableenergy,feed-intariff,greeninvestment,SoutheastAsia,firmlevel JELClassification:Q20,Q28,Q53,Q58,Q42,G32,G38 Contents 1.INTRODUCTION1 2.SAMPLECONSTRUCTION4 3.RESEARCHMETHODOLOGY6 3.1TheBaselineModel:ImpactbyRETechnology6 3.2InstrumentalVariable7 3.3InteractionModels:ImpactbyFirmCharacteristics...
PHILIPPINESINDONESIATHAILANDENERGY consumptionRENEWABLE energy sourcesASEANCARBON dioxide mitigationCARBON emissionsTARIFFThe FIT policy are widely adopted in the world to promote the utilization of renewable energy technology (RET). Tariff rates, tariff regression mechanisms, contract ...
The ERC deferred fixing the FIT for ocean thermal energy conversion pending further study.Maneja, Arlene MInternational Financial Law Review. 2012. Feed-in tariff rates for renewable energy in the Philippines.
Philippines – Energy Regulatory Commission Issues Feed-in-Tariff RatesFelix T. Sy, Jr
The article focuses on the feed-in tariff rates approved by the Philippines Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) for renewable energy in the Philippines. The ERC accepted the methodology used by the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) and took into account the cost of construction and operation ...
renewable energyPhilippinesenergy policyinvestmentsThis essay looks into the formulation and implementation of feed-in tariff policy in the renewable energy sector in the Philippines and the issues and challengedoi:10.2139/ssrn.2672599Salazar, Virgemarie A...
Promoting Investments on Renewable Energy Through the Feed-In Tariff Scheme: The Case of the Philippinesdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2672599Virgemarie A. Salazar
Both countries are unsuccessful in finalizing a fixed Feed-in-tariff payment.Both have the same aims from FiT but they have different mechanisms.The Philippines has shown good ability in managing geothermal energy.Indonesia's energy generation from biomass is better managed than the Philippines.Both ...