网络释义 1. 收费学校 fee-paying是什么意思_fee-paying的翻译... ...fee-paying school1.收费学校paying the agency fee1. 付代理费用 ...|基于3个网页 2. 付费学校 什么意思_英语fee... ... Non-fee paying school 官立学校fee-paying school付费学校; 私立学校 fee-paying educate 付费...
fee-paying school SESa school which you have to pay to go to 自费学校,付费学校 Examples from the Corpus fee-paying school• Then there was the resentment over the fur coat she was deprived of because I was sent to a fee-paying school.• Since last summer at least 256 teachers had ...
1) fee-paying school 付费学校/私立学校2) Private school 私立学校 1. Roles of private school libraries in quality education; 试论私立学校图书馆在素质教育中的作用 2. A Study of the Mode of True Private School Administration in Basic Education; 基础教育领域完全私立学校管理模式研究 3. Public...
Public school(公学,11/13岁到18岁)Prep School是学生进入Public School的学习准备阶。经过这一阶段的学习后,学生通过Common Entrance exams考入Public School。英国的公学都是私立的,而且收费极高。著名的代表有伊顿公学、哈罗公学和温彻斯特公学。公学之后,学生大多通过A-level考试报考自己心仪的大学。
词条fee-paying在西班牙语»英语中的译文 (跳至英语»西班牙语) colegio privado名词m colegioprivado fee-payingschool colegioprivado privateschool 到英语_美式英语 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 A few years ago, fee-paying accounts offered better overdraft and credit interest rates as well as additio...
private school n. A secondary or elementary school run and supported by private individuals or a corporation rather than by a government or public agency. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Publis...
Otherwise,thesubjectof fee-payingschoolsismostlyavoided. 否则,付费学校这种事情通常是可以避免。 8. Onlinepayment, accounttransfer,feepayingagency,etc.. . 在线支付、转帐、代缴费用等等。 9. The Allens are home-schoolers.Insteadofsendingtheirchildrentoapublic(non-fee-pa...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishfee-paying schoola school which you have to pay to go to→fee-payingExamples from the Corpusfee-paying school•Then there was theresentmentover thefurcoatshe wasdeprivedof because I was sent to afee-paying school.•Since lastsummerat least 256teac...
1. 私立学校 ...天有组织的专业学习时间不得低于15小时,或者在一所私立学校(Independent fee-paying school)学习全日制课程”。|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,私立学校 更多例句筛选 1. A full-time course of study at an independent fee paying school 在全日制的独立付费学校攻读的课程 www....