The meaning of FEE SIMPLE DEFEASIBLE is a fee-simple estate that may come to an end under a stipulated provision; sometimes : fee simple determinable.
Define Fee simple estate. Fee simple estate synonyms, Fee simple estate pronunciation, Fee simple estate translation, English dictionary definition of Fee simple estate. n. pl. fees simple 1. An estate in land of which the inheritor has unqualified owner
The meaning of FEE SIMPLE is a fee without limitation to any class of heirs or restrictions on transfer of ownership. How to use fee simple in a sentence.
Definition of defeasible fee Noun defeasible fee (plural defeasible fees) (law) An estate in land that may be divested from its current owner upon the occurrence of an event set forth by the grantor in the grant. Related terms fee simple determinable fee simple subject to condition ...
Fee Simple (redirected fromFee simple absolute) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Fee Simple The greatest possible estate in land, wherein the owner has the right to use it, exclusively possess it, commit waste upon it, dispose of it by deed or will, and take its fruits. A...
Alternate name:Fee ownership, estate of ownership, absolute ownership, fee simple absolute The duration of fee simple ownership isn't limited, and you can pretty much do whatever you like on the property as long as you're not breaking the law or otherwise infringing on public welfare. You're...
Define Fee simple absolute. Fee simple absolute synonyms, Fee simple absolute pronunciation, Fee simple absolute translation, English dictionary definition of Fee simple absolute. n. pl. fees simple 1. An estate in land of which the inheritor has unquali
The maximum possible interest (estate) one can possess in real property is the fee simple absolute.It is unlimited as to duration,transferability,and descendability to heirs.Lesser types of fee simple estates include the fee simple defeasible and the fee simple determinable,both of which may re...
fee simple The maximum possible interest (estate) one can possess in real property is the fee simple absolute.It is unlimited as to duration,transferability,and descendability to heirs.Lesser types of fee simple estates include the fee simple defeasible and the fee simple determinable,both of ...
Related to Fee title:fee simple,Fee simple estate Fee Simple The greatest possible estate in land, wherein the owner has the right to use it, exclusively possess it, commit waste upon it, dispose of it by deed or will, and take its fruits. A fee simple represents absolute ownership of ...