fee simple noun[U]PROPERTY,LAW uk us (alsofee absolute) therightto own abuildingorpieceoflandwithouttimelimit: Thevendorwasgrantedthefeesimpleoftheproperty. Compare leasehold See also freehold(Definition offee simplefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesoff...
fee simple noun fee sim·ple plural fees simple : a fee that is alienable (as by deed, will, or intestacy) and of potentially indefinite duration especially : fee simple absolute in this entry — fee simple absolute : a fee that is freely inheritable and alienable without any...
A "fee simple" refers to a sub-category of such interests that features an absence of any temporal condition limiting its durational period under common law, whereas the highest possible form of ownership interest that can be held in real property is a "fee simple absolute," which is a sub...
Instead of giving the grantee a fee simple absolute once he or she has a child, which the grantee could then alienate (as by selling), the fee tail creates a future interest in the descendants which prevents the grantee and the descendants from alienating the property. A fee tail is ...
Fee simple absolute is a type of real estate ownership in which the owner possesses all of the rights associated with the land...
fee simple determinable Acronyms An interest in real property that will automatically terminate upon the happening of a certain described event. Example:“I grant Blackacre to First Methodist Church ‘for so long as it is used as' (or ‘but only if the property is used for') a church.”...
a.law(of land) in absolute ownership b.archaicin complete subjection vb,fees,feeingorfeed 7.rareto give a fee to 8.chieflyScotto hire for a fee [C14: from Old Frenchfie, of Germanic origin; see fief] ˈfeelessadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
A fee simple absolute is what an individual usually thinks of when another individual owns something. This type of interest is one that an individual will receive when they either purchase land or receive land as a gift. This type of interest is absolute because the interest will not terminate...
Via Anglo-French come the legal senses "estate in land or tenements held on condition of feudal homage; land, property, possession" (c. 1300). Hencefee-simple(late 14c.) "absolute ownership," as opposed tofee-tail(early 15c.) "entailed ownership," inheritance limited to some particular cla...
an estate of inheritance in land, either absolute and without limitation to any particular class of heirs fee simple or limited to a particular class of heirs fee tail. an inheritable estate in land held of a feudal lord on condition of the performing of certain services. a territory held in...