Fedora Remix for WSL是用于windows 10的适用于Linux的windows子系统(WSL),由Whitewater Foundry 的团队推出。Fedora Remix for WSL不是Fedora项目或者Red Hat推出,它是在Fedora Remix计划下提供的。 Fedora Remix for WSL 目前可以直接从微软商城安装,是专为 WSL 设计的受欢迎系统 Fedora Linux 的一个“remix”,带...
Fedora Remix for WSL is a remix of the upstream Fedora Linux distribution for Windows Subsystem for Linux. Fedora Remix for WSL is sponsored by Whitewater Foundry, Ltd. Co. under the terms of the Fedora Remix program. Fedora Remix for WSL is not endor
默认自带wslu; 将WSL优化脚本从/etc/profile转移到/etc/profile.d/remix.sh; 最新的Fedora包。 在此可以下载可以sideload的AppX安装包: https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-WSL/releases 我们需要在arm64设备上的测试。请在此提交反馈: https://github.com/WhitewaterFoundry/Fedora-Remix-for-...
Name="WhitewaterFoundryLtd.Co.FedoraRemixforWSLSL" Publisher="CN="Whitewater Foundry, Ltd. Co.", O="Whitewater Foundry, Ltd. Co.", STREET=233 12th Street, L=Columbus, S=Georgia, PostalCode=31901, C=US" Publisher="CN="Whitewater Foundry, Ltd. Co.",...
Describe the bug After updating latest packages yesterday, I am getting Exec format error when running Windows executables within WSL2 Fedora. This worked up until yesterday(ish). To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Edit /etc/w...
比其它发行版好用,软件新,毕竟其它都是 lts 版 加了很多实用 wsl 工具,方便操作 现在可以放心用 linux 工具处理工作了,双倍的快乐啊 分享5赞 fedora吧 _SuperNova2012 fedora能装这种图标么http://me4oslav.deviantart.com/art/Numix-uTouch-Style-377512815 要用PPA源安装 我不至于为了图标装个系统吧……但是...
I'm trying to use VTune 2020 Update 1 (build 607630) to profile some mixed Fortran 90/C code on WSL2 (fedoraremix/Windows 10 version 2004). I have compiled the code with ifort/icc and it runs fine without VTune, but when I run VTune in memory-consumption mode, it crashes with...
Fedora Remix for WSL 登陆微软商城 WSL 目前可以直接从微软商城安装,是专为 WSL 设计的受欢迎系统FedoraLinux的一个“remix”,带来了FedoraLinux发行版特定的工具、DNF...,其作为一个新的Linux发行版,专为 WSL 而设计。 WSL(Windows Subsystem forLinux),是Windows 10 中的LinuxWindows 子系统(WSL ...
Fedora Remix for WSL 登陆微软商城 WSL 目前可以直接从微软商城安装,是专为WSL 设计的受欢迎系统 Fedora Linux 的一个“remix”,带来了 Fedora Linux 发行版特定的工具、DNF...,其作为一个新的 Linux 发行版,专为 WSL 而设计。 WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux),是 Windows 10 中的 Linux Windows 子系统...
Fedora Remix for WSL is a remix of the upstream Fedora Linux distribution for Windows Subsystem for Linux. Fedora Remix for WSL is sponsored by Whitewater Foundry, Ltd. Co. under the terms of the Fedora Remix program. Fedora Remix for WSL is not endorsed by the Fedora Project or Red Hat,...