2. The package manager Managing software packages on Fedora is done using the package manager dnf. It can install software, remove it, upgrade the Fedora version and much more. 2.1. Commands Table 1. Table Available Commands Command Usage Description install $ dnf install <package_name> Instal...
Install thednf-plugins-corepackage (which provides the commands to manage your DNF repositories) and set up the repository. $sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core$sudo dnf-3 config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo ...
In this post, we will focus on the command-line way, which will require us to run a couple of terminal commands. Use Cases Let’s look at some of the situations where the Fedora Offline Package Manager would be a reliable utility for Fedora users. Having a good internet connection at yo...
Example:26) Get list of all DNF commands and options To get a list of all the available options that can be used with DNF, run [linuxtechi@fedora ~]$ dnf help This was our complete tutorial for DNF package manager with examples. Please do leave any queries or questions you have for ...
upgrade Upgrade a package or packages on your systemupgrade-to Upgrade a package on your system to the specified versionList of Plugin Commandsbuilddep Install build dependencies for .src.rpm, .nosrc.rpm or .spec fileconfig-manager manage dnf configuration options and repositoriescopr Interact with...
# Installing a package flatpak install fedora $APPLICATION # Removing a package flatpak remove $APPLICATION # Updating packages flatpak update Substitute$APPLICATIONSwith the desired application. Firefox for example isorg.mozilla.firefox, orfirefoxfor short. For more information on the commands, refer to...
Use thedotnet --list-sdksanddotnet --list-runtimescommands to see which versions are installed. For more information, seeHow to check that .NET is already installed. For more information on installing .NET without a package manager, see one of the following articles: ...
DNF 5: The package manager has been upgraded to DNF 5, which is designed to be faster and require fewer dependencies. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of upgrading yourFedora 40toFedora 41to enjoy all the new features!
20 Useful ‘Yum’ Commands for Package Management 27 ‘DNF’ (Fork of Yum) Commands for RPM Package Management in Fedora In this article, we showed you how to list all installed packages on CentOS or RHEL four different ways. Share your thoughts concerning this article via the feedback secti...
You can install Icinga 2 by using your distribution’s package manager to install theicinga2package. The following commands must be executed withrootpermissions unless noted otherwise. Tip If you haveSELinuxenabled, the packageicinga2-selinuxis also required. ...