1为Network-Manager下载对应的组件即可 sudo dnf -y install NetworkManager-l2tp sudo service network restart 2 然后再在图形界面添加相应的vpn即可
# dnf -y install bridge-utils libvirt virt-install qemu-kvm virt-manager 安装kvm的工具包# dnf -y install virt-top libguestfs-tools安装frerdpe远程桌面协议#dnf install freerdp -y3:启动KVM deamon并加入开机启动默认下,KVM deamon并没有启动,用下面命令启动:# systemctl start libvirtd添加开机启动:#...
configure.ac:217: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL [root@localhost quagga]# dnf install libtool [root@localhost quagga]# dnf install autoconf-archive //automake: You are advised to start using 'subdir-objects' option throughout your [root@localhost quagga]# gedit configure.ac d...
sudo dnf install -y openh264 gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 mozilla-openh264 sudo dnf config-manager setopt fedora-cisco-openh264.enabled=1 After this enable the OpenH264 Plugin in Firefox's settings. Set Hostname hostnamectl set-hostname YOUR_HOSTNAME ...
Step 1: Install VirtualBox If you haven’t already installed VirtualBox on your system, you can download it from the official website. You can find instructions for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.Ubuntu users can refer to this detailed tutorial on installing VirtualBox. ...
There is a RPM package called NetworkManager-config-server that will install a simple Network Manager config snippet to disable automatic configuraion of ethernet devices. yanivlavicommentedAug 14, 2018• edited As@lucabsaid, we don't plan to support absolutely everything. ...
Install Fedora 38 If you wish to know what's actually in the new Fedora version, choose"Not Now"option to enter into the Fedora 38 live environment and test it thoroughly. STEP 2 - Choose Installation Language In this step, you should choose the language that you want to use throughout ...
The example output above shows Mono is installed, so we're good to go. But if you're stuck on Mono 4.x or wasn't able to install Mono at all from your package manager, then please resort to the "Installing Mono Manually" section below. ...
$ yum update yum$ sudo yum install fedup$ sudo fedup-cli --network 19 --debuglog /root/fedupdebug.log$ sudo yum distro-sync 1. 2. 3. 4. 在您重启时,在 grub 提示窗口会出现"System Upgrade"引导选项如图3。系统会引导至一个特殊的环境进行升级。升级时屏幕上会以图 形化显示升级进度。
sudo dnf install breeze-cursor-theme 扩展商店: GNOME Shell Extensions Orchis 主题 这个主题类似苹果 https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme 用里面的install.sh安装即可。卸载同样也是用这个安装脚本。 shell 用这个里面的Orchis-thme-MODE: https://www.pling.com/p/1939902/ ...