KDE Plasma 5.10 gains a new default desktop view and improvements to the Task Manager among a long list of improvements. Refer to the KDE Plasma Release Announcementfor more details. Mate 1.18 This release completes the migration to GTK3 but also includes many new features. Refer to the Mate ...
1、安装gnome-tweak-tool。 2、在terminal下使用当前用户输入命令gnome-tweak-tool选择“desktop”设置“Have file manager handle the desktop”为“on”。 接下来实现在桌面显示图标,第一种图标很简单,右击可执行文件选择“make link”,就在当前文件夹下生成了一个指向该文件的链接文件,把他拖到桌面上就可以了, ...
When Docker Desktop starts, it creates a dedicatedcontextthat the Docker CLI can use as a target and sets it as the current context in use. This is to avoid a clash with a local Docker Engine that may be running on the Linux host and using the default context. On shutdown, Docker Des...
准备工作 在要执行的二进制可执行文件同目录下新建 run.sh 文件 给run.sh 添加可执行权限 Xfce桌面菜单 -> Settings -> Session and Startup 选择Application Autostart Add/Edit Command 中填写 xfce4-terminal --default-wor...Xubuntu 美化——xfce4桌面的主题、字体、图标设置 一、安装xfce4的主题和图标 ...
Fedora Onyx comes with the Budgie desktop, and theproposalfrom developer Joshua Strobl has now beenapproved, and so with Fedora 39 we should hopefully see its first release. More about it: Fedora Onyx is an immutable desktop operating system, featuring the Budgie Desktop environment....
Fedora 15 introduced GNOME 3 as the default desktop environment. GNOME 3 brought a completely revamped user interface and a new shell known as GNOME Shell. The GNOME Shell introduced a more streamlined and intuitive user experience, with a focus on simplicity and productivity. The Activities Overvi...
Fedora Spins is for those that prefer an alternative desktop environment such as KDE Plasma Desktop, MATE; or Xfce, you can download a spin for your preferred desktop environment and use that to install Fedora, pre-configured for the desktop environment of your choice....
写一个desktop文件放在目录/usr/share/applications。 desktop文件内容如下: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=脚本集合 # 给应用取个名字 Comment=注释说明 Exec=/mnt/DATA/0系统软件设置/shell脚本/主脚本.sh # 脚本位置 Categories=GNOME;GTK;Core; OnlyShowIn=GNOME; Terminal=true # 是否启用终端 Icon=...
In Stretch, the default MySQL variant is now MariaDB. The replacement of packages for MySQL 5.5 or 5.6 by the MariaDB 10.1 variant will happen automatically upon upgrade. Firefox and Thunderbird return to Debian with the release of Stretch, and replace their debranded versions Iceweasel and Ice...
ACD is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting the “ipv4.dad-timeout” property to a positive value in a connection profile. The Fedora team is enablingACD by default in Fedora 40, with a default value of 200ms. This change only affects IPv4; IPv6 always performs a duplicate...