更多详细配置见 https://coreos.github.io/fcct。现在通过fcct命令行转换为ignition配置 fcct.exe --pretty --strict fcct-containers.yaml --output containers.ign 生成的containers.ign长这样 {"ignition":{"version":"3.2.0"},"passwd":{"users":[{"name":"core","sshAuthorizedKeys":["ssh-rsa AAAAB...
CoreOS Assembler (COSA) is a collection of various tools used to build Fedora CoreOS style systems, including RHEL CoreOS. The goal is that everything needed to build and test the OS comes encapsulated in one (admittedly large) container....
If you are looking for a lightweight yet powerful and scalable core OS for your Internet of Things project, you came to the right place! xref:getting-started.adoc[Get Started with Fedora IoT]! If you are after an OS for Kubernetes there is https://getfedora.org/en/coreos/[Fedora Core...
I am getting: error: Parsing /src/tier-1/../tier-x/../tier-0/manifest.yaml: serde-yaml: data did not match any variant of untagged enum IncludeConditionsJoseph Marrero Corchado @jmarrero2 · 1 week ago Author Maintainer ok I found: https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/pull/3439/...
NVIDIA GPU Driver Container for Fedora & FedoraCoreOS FedoraCoreOS (FCOS) is a self-updating minimal container-optimized Linux distribution downstream of Fedora. NVIDIA does not yet support FCOS and so the forked Gitlab project here produces Fedora kernel-specific container images. Since these image...
If you're running Fedora Workstation or theFedora KDE Plasma SpinorFedora Xfce(or any of our other desktop offerings!), you can basically just ignore all of this drama. The same goes forFedora CoreOSand Fedora IoT. As for Fedora contributors and working on packaging or in other technical ...
carried out at the tier-x level rather than the CoreOS level. Eventually, this inheritance will be made even more explicit by having FCOS be builtFROMthe tier-x image. For now, we share at the manifest level, which is a stepping stone towards that goal. ...
NOTES:DWM: This is for Fedora Workstation and shouldn't affect Fedora CoreOS. ✔️Golang 1.21 Update of Go (golang package) to the upcoming version 1.21 in Fedora 39. Tracking bug:#2233274 NOTES:DWM: we don't anticipate any fallout from this but our installed FCOS packages will at ...
@fortinj66 - Fedora CoreOS is in the process of moving to Fedora 36 (next week's stable will complete the process). I'm not sure exactly what the OKD plans are so maybe ask there? As an aside there is a kernel build of 5.17.9 for F36 and F35: kernel-5.17.9-300.fc36 kernel...
Upstream NM confirmed that it should be already possible to support runtime-only (i.e. not persisted to FS) configurations. I didn't dig more specifically into the details of this, but investigation may be needed in order to add support for this in coreos-metadata. This is effectively#111...