$ sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot Upgrading-Fedora39-to-Fedora40-Command-Line 坐下来,喝杯咖啡放松一下,升级完成后,系统会自动重启,并将获得新的 Fedora 40 登录屏幕。 Neofetch-Command-After-Fedora-Upgrade 这就是本文的全部内容,请在下面的评论区发表您的疑问和反馈。 我的开源项目 酷瓜云课堂-开源知识付...
plymouth-set-default-theme xxx 而update-alternatives命令,只在自己制作theme的时候用到,yum时是用不到的,所以答案就在上面的plymouth*五条命令中。之前采用kernel command line观察Plymouth的启动信息时,总是会发现这么一行: find_system_default_splash:System default splash is configured to be 'charge' 就是说,...
默认的系统级的 加密策略, 用于配置核心加密子系统,覆盖 TLS, IPsec, SSH, DNSSEC, 和 Kerberos 协议。增加全新命令update-crypto-policies, 管理员可以轻松切换不同模式:default, legacy, future, 和 fips. 支持智能卡和硬件安全模块 (HSM) 的 PKCS #11 详细介绍请看 Section 5.1.15, “Security” 网络 nftab...
$ chcon --verbose unconfined_u:object_r:svirt_home_t:s0 config.ign $ virt-install --name=fcos \ --vcpus=2 \ --ram=2048 \ --import \ --network=bridge=virbr0 \ --graphics=none \ --qemu-commandline="-fw_cfg name=opt/com.coreos/config,file=${PWD}/config.ign" \ --disk=size...
TheDive into Hydragives you a brief tour through ActiveFedora’s features on the command line. Prerequisites A Fedora Commons Repository installation (configured by URL in fedora.yml) A Solr index (configured by URL in solr.yml) A JDK8+ installation (if running the test suite) ...
Make sure to update your macOS to version 12.3 or later, then just pull up a Terminal in macOS and paste in this command:curl https://leifliddy.com/fedora.sh | shFedora Package Installdnf install mkosi arch-install-scripts systemd-container zip...
For the proprietary/officialNVIDIA GPUdrivers to function properly, you must update all the pre-installed packages using the followingdnf command. sudo dnf update --refresh Now that your system is up-to-date, you can install yourNVIDIAdrivers to get the best performance out of yourGPU. ...
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. Uninstalling docker-py-1.8.1: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docker/__init__.py /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docker/__init__.pyc ... /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docker_py-1.8.1.dist-info/metadata...
He is particularly interested in hacking with the Go programming language and is the author of Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go and Automate Your Home Using Go. Ricardo also writes regularly for Red Hat and other blogs, covering topics like Linux, Vim, Ansible, Containers, Kubernetes, ...
Pay attention to the last digits of the file. At the time of this writing, the newest available image wasFedora-Minimal-36-1.5.aarch64.raw.xz. In the future, you can update this command with a newer image version. [ Cheat sheet: Get a list ofLinux utilities and commands for managing...