Today, we will discuss about one of the post installation steps in Fedora desktop. This brief guide explains how toenable minimize and maximize buttons in application windows in FedoraGNOME Workstation and Silverblue editions. This guide has been officially tested in Fedora GNOME Workstation 39 and...
Click on the "Activities" menu in the top left corner of your Fedora 39 desktop, type "Software" in the search bar, and click on the "Software" application icon to open it. Open GNOME Software in Fedora Step 2 - Go to Updates Section: In GNOME Software, click on the"Updates"tab. Y...
wget Creating a Bootable Fedora USB Once theFedora 41installation image is downloaded, the next step involvescreating a bootable USBusing a tool likeRufuson Windows or the‘dd...
Things to do after installing Fedora 39 Faster Updates sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf Copy and replace the text with the following: [main] gpgcheck=1 installonly_limit=3 clean_requirements_on_remove=True best=False skip_if_unavailable=True fastestmirror=1 max_parallel_downloads=10 deltarpm=true...
Once a new version for Docker Desktop is released, the Docker UI shows a notification. You need to first remove the previous version and then download the new package each time you want to upgrade Docker Desktop. Run: $sudo dnf remove docker-desktop$sudo dnf install ./docker-desktop-x86_64...
Add fedora-autofirstboot to desktop variants to run a predetermined set of tasks on first boot after post installation, notably installing codecs and cleaning up installer packages from the installed system. Tracking bug:#2152200 NOTES:JL:️ This only affects Desktop variants. Good to stay awar...
If you opt for the first option, Fedora Media Writer downloads the desired version of Fedora for you. You have various options here as well. You can choose between the official editions of Fedora (Server, Workstation, and IoT), various Fedora "spins" (such as KDE Plasma Desktop, Xfce De...
Verify Fedora 41 Desktop How to Roll Back Fedora Upgrade If something goes wrong (like if you can’t startFedora 41), you can easily go back. When you boot your computer, choose the option in theGRUBmenu and choose the older version of Fedora, and your system will start with that older...
This guide should apply to all the recent Fedora versions unless there is a drastic change between the upgrades. Also, most of the mentioned GUI tweaks are for GNOME desktop environment. Suggested Read 📖 How to Upgrade From Fedora 39 to Fedora 40 ...
Fedora 英文文件夹 把文档、下载、桌面等文件夹,修改为document download desktop # 将系统语言修改成英文$ exportLANG=en_US# 提示是否更新用户目录# 选择是,文件夹变成了英文$ xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update# 将系统语言修改成中文$ exportLANG=zh_CN.UTF-8# 再次提示是否更新用户目录# 选择否,文件夹保留原来的...