Customer Service For more information about the FedEx services available from Swaziland please contact: Company Name: FedEx Express Swaziland (Proprietary) Limited City: Mbabane Telephone: + 268 2422 0961/2 Service Available: Import & Export FedEx, the world’s largest express transportation company,...
number is 1-800-463-3339. Please note that FedEx provides this telephone number for general inquiries concerning delivery, account management, tracking, and billing. Before calling FedEx customer service the company suggests looking through their FAQ Hub. It contains a lot of self-service solutions...
Telephone: +267 369 5500 or +267 397 5500 Service Available: Import & Export FedEx has provided logistics support to deliver laptops and printers to more than 45 Trussell Trust Foodbanks across the UK, from London to the Outer Hebrides. The items, donated by a travel rewards company, will...
Customer Service: General Info: Service Available: Export/Import FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, has announced the finalists of its Small Business Grant in the UK. Competing for a grand prize...