When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
{ "merchantPhoneNumber": "19012635656", "allowedSpecialService": [ "SATURDAY_DELIVERY" ] }, "rma": { "reason": "Wrong Size or Color" }, "returnAssociationDetail": { "shipDatestamp": "2019-10-01", "trackingNumber": "123456789" }, "returnType": "PRINT_RETURN_LABEL" }, "deliveryOn...
Status Tracking. locate a package with a few keystrokes, even without the tracking number. Track the status of return shipments via tracking number, the Return Material Authorization (RMA) number or your shipment history. You can also send proof-of-delivery confirmation to your recipient. FedEx ...
FedEx Ship Manager在线用户指南说明书 User Guide How to ship with FSM online pg. 1
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...
When you set up your FedEx return through the retailer you purchased from, you'll receive an email with a FedEx return label or a FedEx return code including a QR code and RMA number. If you receive a QR code, bring it to a participating Walgreens and a store associate will print the...