Main FedEx Customer Service Number If you’re in the United States, the general FedEx customer service number is 1-800-463-3339. But this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, as FedEx has distinct numbers for different departments and services. Let’s dissect this further. Specific FedEx C...
Incident Number: 18.bed43b17.1740651021.1a5e552 For assistance with your shipping needs, you can call us anytime at1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339or visit Thank you for choosing FedEx.
In the United States, Usps ( United States Postal Service ) is also an important competitor. Dhl is also a significant competitor internationally only and not on American soil where Ups and Fedex have the advantage. In China, SF Express is Fedex 's main competitor. The tracking number of a...
documentation and trade information, making it an invaluable online tool for international shippers who need a single, up-to-date access point for streamlining their shipping processes. FedEx Global Trade Manager ® How can it help me?How can it help me?Save time:Save time: This Internet-...
The fax number for this location is 4808330972. Pricing starts at $1.59 to receive a fax. How much does it cost per page to print? Starting at price $0.21 for black and white and $0.71 for color. Use self-service copiers to copy or print single- and multipage documents quickly and ...
Our Main Service: 1. Air freight shipping service. 2. Air freight consolidation from main air port of China,include ShenZhen,GuangZhou,ShangHai,HongKong airport and so on. 3.Warehousing,packing services in main airports of China. 5.Cargo Inspection, Insurance serv...
Since becoming Main Sponsor of the UEL competition, FedEx has worked in collaboration with the UEFA Foundation for Children on ‘Field in a Box’ The program is focused on the delivery of community football fields in order to maximise the possibilities for young people in underserved areas to be...
Our Main Service: 1. Air freight shipping service. 2. Air freight consolidation from main air port of China,include ShenZhen,GuangZhou,ShangHai,HongKong airport and so on. 3.Warehousing,packing services in main airports of China. 5.Cargo ...
Main article: FedEx Express【主条目:联邦快递快运】 FedEx Express is the company's original overnight courier services, providing next day air service within the US and time-definite international service. It operates one of the largest civil aircraft fleets in the world, has the largest fleet ...
18115 S Main St Gardena,California 90248 Get Directions Customer Support Call Find another location CREATE SHIPPING LABELSAVE ON SHIPPING Store hoursLast pickup Monday9:00 AM-7:30 PM Tuesday9:00 AM-7:30 PM Wednesday9:00 AM-7:30 PM