Send your international shipments easily using FedEx online shipping tools and nearby shipping, drop off & pickup service points & locations in India
Send your international shipments easily using FedEx online shipping tools and nearby shipping, drop off & pickup service points & locations in Australia
FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Please select your desired FedEx drop-off location. Look for the purple and orange in metropolitan business districts, airports and busy thoroughfares. FedEx World Service Centers are staffed by expe...
LansdowneFedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage (Canada), Inc.848A Hwy. 137NHill IslandP.O. Box 279LansdowneON K0E 1L0 CanadaPhone: 613.659.3947Fax: 1.877.939.2978Niagara FallsFedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage (Canada), Inc.14154 Niagara Pkwy., Suite 209Niagara-on-the-LakeON L0...
11.Blind shipping/drop shipping (conceal original supplier/customer name) 12.Documentation Service(CIQ, Fumigation/ C/O,FORM A, FORM E, FORM F) Why choose us: 1. 7days/24hours online feedback 2. Ability to handle cargo from any city in china ...
GeneralCounselandSecretary DropoffLocations •690FedExWorldServiceCenters •1,794FedExOfficelocations •6,549FedExAuthorizedShipCenters® andAlliancePartners •42,280FedExDropBoxes(including 4,990U.S.PostalServicelocations) OperatingFacilities •Express:1,057stations; 10airexpresshubs •Ground:33gr...
airport-to-airport services fuel surcharges service details terms and conditions Service Guide site index U PDATED JANUARY 4, 2021 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z ...
K. Not all FedEx locations accept dangerous goods, and we reserve the right to refuse dangerous goods at any location where they cannot be accepted in accordance with applicable law. Dangerous goods shipments, including dry ice, are not accepted at FedEx Express Drop Box locations, FedEx Office...
Delivery to P.O. Boxes USPS is the only shipping service that delivers directly to PO boxes. USPS Delivery Times and Rates USPS delivery times vary based on the mail class. Priority Mail Express:Guaranteed overnight delivery to most locations. Best suited for letters, documents, and objects up...
000 FedEx Office locations.In addition to allowing for an easy returns and drop-off experience for shoppers,the FedEx OnSite network is well positioned to serve a 300、s a“buy online,pickup in store”network for small and medium merchants without brick-and-mortar locations.We have also added...