Ship Happens located at 231 Main St has regular scheduled pickup times for FedEx shipments, and can prepare your shipments for you. What do I need to bring when I drop off a package for shipping via FedEx? When you bring in your package for shipping, you will need the recipient's compl...
Customer Service says that because a door tag wasn't left that I can't just sign it and ask the driver to leave the package and because of a needed signature that it can't be left at a FedEx location for pickup. Explain to me how that makes sense. Why can't I just provide an ...
They said at this point I would have to drive close 50 miles to the FedEx hub to pick up my package because the driver had made so many attempts to deliver. The driver only made one attempt and that was on Saturday. This is the second time FedEx has caused an issue for me. I I ...
lower last-mile costs, and improved international dimension capture. As part of this strategy, in Q1, we launched our new FedEx International Deferred Freight service, which has a slower transit time than International Economy Freight. We will use this extra time to both ...
The postal service has always been very reliable for me. Plus, it’s on my way to work. UPS on the other hand can’t leave most the packages I get so I have to drive 3 towns over to pick them up. Can’t say anything about Fedex since the only deliverys I receive with Fedex on...
aAfter the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea. Jack and Rose, and many other people fell into the cold sea water. As the weather was getting colder and colder, they were stepping into death. Jack still asked Rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life. At last, Ja...
The rigor and the planning and the technology and the tools that Scott Ray and John have, have worked. Service is good. And in fact, as I've mentioned previously, this also solves our single pickup feature service, which has been just a huge opportunity for us to move forward from smal...