1 A multiple-piece shipment (MPS) is one where more than one FedEx Express package is shipped to the same recipient under one master air waybill number. However, services such as FedEx International Priority Direct Distribution (IPD) and FedEx International Economy Distribution (IED) are not cons...
FedEx 运输单说明书 Understanding your FedEx invoice
请以英文打字或正楷字体清楚填写 FedEx International Air Waybill (国际空运提单),使 用原子笔时请用力好让笔划清晰可辨。 1. 寄件人资料 请填写您的地址、联络电话及 FedEx 账号。 2. 收件人资料 请务必详细填写收件人资料,以避免递送延误。 3. 托运物品资料 货件内容:要清楚列明。分开列出每种货品。 如空运...
FedEx 发票与结算手册说明书 Knowing Your Billing Matters 1
When you reach the Invoice Detail screen, click on the air waybill number to view the shipment details. How do I know which invoices are past due? If an invoice is past due, it will be noted next to the invoice in the Invoice Activity column. Alternatively, you can view it under the...
An Air Waybill (AWB) serves as a unique tracking code for your FedEx shipment, enabling you to monitor its journey and receive updates on its status. This tracking mechanism ensures that you remain informed about your package’s location and delivery progress. ...
FedEx 4步导入指南说明书 4 Steps to Import with FedEx Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4Notified by Overseas Shippers Check Duties and Taxes Track Your Shipment Receive Shipment 4 steps to Import with FedEx
⚫Change of delivery address in the same destination country or territory is possible with an additional fee, which may be incurred if a new air waybill is needed for an intra-country transition.⚫If you are the SG consignee of the shipment, a shipper’s authorization may be required ...
FedEx Ship Manager用户指南说明书 FedEx ® Ship Manager at fedex.com Registration Login Ship T rack/History Address Book Reports Quick Help Contact Details The document is protected by copyright and trademark laws under U.S. and International law. All rights reserved. ©...