如需添加更多,可继续 “Add a new item”,最后点击 “Add” 保存 。 • Shipment Purpose(包裹类型):选Gift(礼物),减少海关检查风险。 • No EEI/SED required 默认选中、FTR Code 默认选择 30.37 (a),含义是【本包裹价值不超过2,500 美元,因此无需出口许可】。对于绝大部分包裹来说这应该够了。如果你...
returns party should always ensure that the Automated Export System (AES) proof of filing citation or Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) exemption statement is correctly printed on the label before exporting. FOR FEDEX GLOBAL RETURNS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS THAT ARE GIVEN TO FEDEX, THE...