CREATE USER ID (FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS) Open an Account Menu FedEx Search Results - China Fuel SurchargeCommercial InvoiceRatesLithium BatteriesOpen an account Sign up now and save up to 55%* off your international shipping rates! Sign up a FedEx corporate account now, enjoy up to 55% off in...
International shipping can be easier, more cost-saving and efficient with FedEx. Check out our standard and customized shipping services that suit your needs.
International shipping can be easier, more cost-saving and efficient with FedEx. Check out our standard and customized shipping services that suit your needs.
Use FedEx International Priority Express for your urgent & important international shipments to deliver by noon in Asia, US, Canada and Europe to and from China
Enhancements include improved transit times for FedEx International Priority®Services, providing customers with more choices for different needs.
Sign up a FedEx corporate account now and enjoy up to 55% off international shipping, plus chances to receive extra international shipping rewards! Get multiple shipping rewards!*Terms & Conditions apply. Sign upLink Opens in New Tab Stay Up-to-Date with FedEx eNews ...
Find solutions to all your shipping, drop off, pickup, packaging and printing needs at thousands of FedEx Office, Ship Center, Walgreens, Dollar General and Drop Box locations near you.
aFor international shipments, we highly recommend shipping with UPS or FedEx. Delivery time is usually 3-5 business days and is more reliable than Express Mail. Mail delivery can be tracked with the U.S. Postal Service; however, this service is not available for Air Parcel Post. (For small...
With Lanham E-Ship FedEx, you’ll never have to leave D365 Business Central to access your ERP or the FedEx system for product, customer, shipping, and tracking details. The E-Ship FedEx Shipping extension offers a wealth of FedEx Ground, FedEx Express, FedEx Freight, International Shipping,...
您还可以选择国际运输选项,例如 Global Express Guaranteed(一到三个工作日内送达)和 Priority Mail Express International(三到五个工作日内送达)。但是,由于新冠COVID-19,对多个国家/地区的服务已中断。所有运输服务都包括签名要求、Certified Mail 回执或货到付款选项。