5、FedEx Ground 和 FedEx Home Delivery 的附加费 附加费主要类型有如下几种 Additional Handling Surcharge = AHS(额外操作附加费) Oversize Charge(超大包裹附加费) Residential Delivery Charge = RDC(住宅派送附加费) Peak - Surcharge(高峰期旺季附加费) Fuel Surcharge(燃油附加费) Delivery Area Surcharge = ...
5、FedEx Ground 和 FedEx Home Delivery 的附加费 附加费主要类型有如下几种 Additional Handling Surcharge = AHS(额外操作附加费) Oversize Charge(超大包裹附加费) Residential Delivery Charge = RDC(住宅派送附加费) Peak - Surcharge(高峰期旺季附加费) Fuel Surcharge(燃油附加费) Delivery Area Surcharge = ...
UPS在2024年的偏远邮编总数相较于2023年减少了627个,这主要归因于DAS Extended(超级偏远)和Remote(超级超级偏远)两类邮编的减少,而在Delivery Area Surcharge(偏远)类别下,邮编数量则增加了345个。从UPS三类偏远邮编的占比变化中,我们可以观察到,唯有Delivery Area Surcharge(偏远)类别下的普通偏远邮编占比...
When goods are delivered to residential areas, because residential areas are remote and dispersed, FedEx Home Delivery charges a residential delivery surcharge for door-to-door products in residential areas, with a fixed value charged for each order. 4)Peak - Surcharge(Peak season surcharge) Peak ...
Free of charge *Out of Pickup Area Surcharge (OPA):THB 820.00 per shipment or THB 18.80 per kg, whichever is greater *Out of Delivery Area Surcharge (ODA):THB 820.00 per shipment or THB 18.80 per kg, whichever is greater * FedEx imposes a surcharge for shipments to areas outside ...
The following is a list of abbreviated fees and surcharge names that may appear on your FedEx invoice, and their full names as they are listed in the FedEx Service Guide. For more information on these fees and surcharges see the Fees and Other Shipping Information section of the FedEx ...
点击链接后,找到图片区域,点击“Delivery and Remote Area Surcharge Listing”按钮即可,如下图 : USPS USPS的查询方式更简单,朋友们点击下方链接postcalc.usps.com/Domes 输入发件地址邮编,点击“Submit”按钮,便可以直接下载,如下图 : 注意:在USPS的邮编分区表中你会看到带*号标注和带+标注的分区号,它们分别...
Additionally, for International Express Freight and parcel services, the International Out-of-Delivery Area Surcharge and International-Out-of-Pickup Surcharge rates will now be dependent on factors such as the zip code or postal code, the city where the shipment is coming from, and/or the ...
Consequently, the FedEx Ground and Home Delivery minimum net charge will increase. The 2024 FedEx rate for the minimum net charge will go from $10.10 to $10.70. This is an increase of 5.94%. In contrast, the 2023 increase was just 7.91%. The first thing to remember is that the carriers...
FedEx International Priority Direct(IPD)区域运输费率表说明书 (Rates exclude special fee and dynamic fuel surcharge)1 South Korea Export Shipment Rates For FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution (IPD)Footnotes:1 A fuel surcharge and other special fees will apply.Effective January 2, 2017 Remar...