FedEx InternationalPhone Numbers Below given are the customer service phone numbers of FedEx worldwide. You can contact the respective country for complaints or queries on FedEx services ASIA Australia P: 13-26-10 P: +61132610 New Zealand P: 0800-733339 P: +6492565382 Indonesia P: 0 800 1 8...
Email: SN 塞内加尔 Senegal Tel: 221338698200 邮箱 上班时间:"Monday to Friday: 0800 am to 1800 pm Closed: Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays SY 叙利亚 Syria 963(11)4420 - 451 或 963(11)4420 - 452 SZ 斯威士兰 Swaziland Tel: + 268...
FedEx 运输单说明书 Understanding your FedEx invoice
For more information, please call Customer Service on 0800 4 33339. P L E N 0 I C 1 - 2 0 1 0 SimPlE booking ProcESS To arrange a booking or for precise transit times, simply call 0800 4 33339. For heavyweight shipments use the FedEx ...