FedEx商业发票模板.pdf,(PleasecompleteinEnglishprint) (请用英文标准字体填写) C O M M E R C I A L I N V O I C E 商业发票 (NOTE:Allshipmentsmustbeaccompaniedbya INTERNATIONALAIRWAYBILLNO.. FedEx internationalAirWaybilltwoduplicatecopiesofCI.) 请注 DATEOFE
1、如何填写 FedEx International Air Waybill (国际空运提单)请轻按下列表格旁边适用的空格,以获得有关部份的说明。请以英文打字或正楷字体清楚填写FedEx International Air Waybill (国际空运提单),使用原子笔时请用力好让笔划清晰可辨。啊.JiCI. JVIIALTF IT1|= j PU0-UII-4-* Tr*,KfF衬5 IZMmwru uhu nc...
空运提单(airwaybill,简称AWB),也叫航空运单。是承运货物的航空承运人(航空公司)或其代理人,在收到承运货物并接受托运人空运要求后,签发给托运人的货物收据。空运提单的出单方式大致上可以分为两种——出直单(directAWB)和出分单(分为主单MAWB和分单HAWB),主单由航空公司签发,分单由货运代理人签发。 海运提单...
Document Requirements Airway Bill or Bill of Lading Airway Bill is required for export of any kinds of shipments. Whenever other documents such as a commercial invoice are included, it is important that the name and address of the foreign importer or exporter and the name and address of the ...
FedEx® Schedule and Manage Pickup provides you with a fast and easy tool to arrange a convenient shipment pickup time at and free up time for things that matter more. Set the pickup date and time for the same business day or next business day.Find out more at https://www...
This form indicates your choice to (1) send a single shipment in-bond for clearance, or (2) instructs FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage, Inc. (FedEx Trade Networks) to send this shipment and all future shipments in-bond for clearance.Please choose only one option below. The form...
FedEx商业发票模板.pdf,(PleasecompleteinEnglishprint) (请用英文标准字体填写) C O M M E R C I A L I N V O I C E 商业发票 (NOTE:Allshipmentsmustbeaccompaniedbya INTERNATIONALAIRWAYBILLNO.. FedEx internationalAirWaybilltwoduplicatecopiesofCI.) 请注 DATEOFE
FedEx商业发票模板.pdf,(PleasecompleteinEnglishprint) (请用英文标准字体填写) C O M M E R C I A L I N V O I C E 商业发票 (NOTE:Allshipmentsmustbeaccompaniedbya INTERNATIONALAIRWAYBILLNO.. FedEx internationalAirWaybilltwoduplicatecopiesofCI.) 请注 DATEOFE