...府之外,下辖两个政治「实体」(entities):波士尼亚联邦(Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)与塞尔维亚共和邦(R…blog.xuite.net|基于4个网页 2. 波士尼亚赫塞哥维纳联邦 ...亚和赫塞哥维纳在行政及管理上被分成两个实体,其一是波士尼亚赫塞哥维纳联邦(Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina),…tw.knowledge.yah...
The CPI of Bosnia's Federation rose by an annual average of 14.9% in 2022, following an increase by 2.1% in 2021 and a decline of 0.9% in 2020. Subscribe to our M&A newsletter here. The Federation is one of two autonomous entities that form Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other one is th...
Presents a speech by US Secretary of State Warren Christopher during the signing of the agreement implementing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. United States' role in the drafting of the agreement; Agreement's implications to peace ...
This article compares structures, institutional design challenges and political processes between Cyprus and the Bosniak-Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first part shows how the international community played a crucial role in order to implement consociational constitutions. However, as it...
Sexually Transmitted Infections In The Federation Bosnia And Herzegovina: A Challenge For The New Prospective Folia Medica Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis SaraeviensisMahmutovi-Vrani, SabinaRebi, Velmaavaljuga, Semra
The current coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents the typical straight top, oval sides, and spiked bottom. The coat of arms has two background colors, dark blue and gold. Both colors are seen in the coat of arms between 1992 and 1998. Even though the current coat of arms does...
The average gross salary amounted to 1,766 marka in September, down by a real 3.1% year-on-year and lower by a real 1.2% month-on-month. The Federation is one of two autonomous entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other one is the Serb Republic. (1 euro = 1.955 marka...
Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation of B&H Hijri New Year How long until Hijri New Year? Hijri New Yearis in 139 days Dates of Hijri New Year in Federation of B&H 2026Tue, Jun 16 2025Fri, Jun 27 2024Mon, Jul 8 2022Sun, Jul 31
The Gradual Cyprusization of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Structural, Institutional and Process AssumptionsBosniaelectionsAutorica u radu analizira izbore u Bosni i Hercegovini.Ivan PepiMirjana KasapoviNomos
In this paper, the authors observe the trend of suicide rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the country with complex internal structure, multinational and multi-religious population, and it is also one of the states formed out of the bloody disintegration of former Yugoslavia...