In this chapter, the problem of joint transmission and computation resource allocation for federated learning (FL) over sixth generation (6G) mobile wireless networks is investigated. In the considered model, each user exploits limited local computational resources to train a local FL model with its...
FL概念的一种描述如下图所示。 许多重要的方面使得FL区别于现存的分布式学习(Distributed Learning)方案,其中一个就是:分布式学习方案都是各学习者的数据都服从IID的随机变量的实现;FL环境下,不同的学习者可能会观察过程的不同部分(它们之间可能有重叠),因此生成的数据不能代表所有数据的分布,本地学习者的数据是Non-...
FL概念的一種描述如下圖所示。 許多重要的方面使得FL區別於現存的分散式學習(Distributed Learning)方案,其中一個就是:分散式學習方案都是各學習者的資料都服從IID的隨機變數的實現;FL環境下,不同的學習者可能會觀察過程的不同部分(它們之間可能有重疊),因此生成的資料不能代表所有資料的分佈,本地學習者的資料是Non...
or Federated Deep Learning (FDL). Since it is impossible for me to know every single reference on FL, please pardon me if I missed any of your work. If you want me to add your work to this list, you are welcome to send me a message. I will try my best to keep...
Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks: A Comprehensive Survey Base Station Association: 在密集的网络中,优化Base Station Association以限制用户所面临的干扰是很重要的。 存在中断(BIPs)事件可能是信息传输延迟的结果,当用户的身体运动阻碍了无线链路时,就会造成这种延迟。 现有的方法存在的问题: traditional clo...
《40,An incentive mechanism for federated learning in wireless cellular network: An auction approach,》将基站和客户端之间的激励机制设计为一个拍卖博弈,其中基站是拍卖者,客户端是卖方。客户端希望能量消耗小,基站希望社会福利最大化。提出了一种原始-对偶贪心算法来解决NP难问题。
It also presents several solutions based on optimization theory, graph theory, and game theory to optimize the performance of federated learning in wireless networks. Lastly, the third part describes several applications of FL in wireless networks....
code: 编辑:古月 FEDL: 解决FL面临的数据异构和物理资源异构 假设:损失函数具有强凸性和光滑性 结论: 描述局部计算轮数和全局通信轮数的权衡 重新思考两个问题: ·1-User是否应该多花时间在每轮的本地训练上来达到更高的全局精度和少的通信轮数 ...
The amount of data generated owing to the rapid development of the Smart Internet of Things is increasing exponentially. Traditional machine learning can n
《2019-IEEE-Motivating workers in federated learning: A stackelberg game perspective》提出一种设备与模型的Stackelberg博弈模型,模型所有者激励拥有设备的工人为本地训练分配更多CPU计算资源,以实现快速收敛。《2021-IEEE-An incentive mechanism for federated learning in wireless cellular network: An auction ...