联邦平均算法(Federated Averaging Algorithm,FedAvg) 设一共有KK个客户机, 中心服务器初始化模型参数,执行若干轮(round),每轮选取至少1个至多KK个客户机参与训练,接下来每个被选中的客户机同时在自己的本地根据服务器下发的本轮(tt轮)模型wtwt用自己的数据训练自己的模型wkt+1wt+1k,上传回服务器。服务器将收集...
非独立同分布是指(*)这个等式不成立的情况。 Federated Averaging Algorithm(FedAVG) baseline算法:FederatedSGD(FedSGD) 用SGD,每轮随机选择的客户端进行一次梯度计算,然后得到k个梯度一起更新服务器上的总梯度。 Federated Averaging Algorithm(FedAVG) 通过迭代,对每个cilent增加计算 超参数 C:cilent数量的分数,C=0.0...
摘要Federated Averaging (FedAvg) remains the most popular algorithm for Federated Learning (FL) optimization due to its simple implementation, stateless nature, and privacy guarantees combined with secure aggregation. Recent work has sought to generalize the vanilla averaging in FedAvg to a generalized ...
send parameters to every worker node; 优点:可以在相同的通信次数下,FedAvg比原算法(Grad Desent)的收敛速度更快。 缺点:让移动设备计算相同的数据量,FedAvg比原先的Grad Desent梯度下降慢,收敛更慢。 总结:以牺牲worker node的计算量来换取通信量的减少。但是由于联邦学习的通信代价大而计算代价小,所以其有一定的...
1.communication-efficient algorithms parallel gradient descent Federated Averaging Algorithm 比较 (epoch相当于计算量) 结论:FedAvg减少了通信量,增加了计算量 2.defense against privacy leakage 用梯度可以反推数据信息 加噪音之后,收敛速度和准确度会下降
有趣的是,FedAvg 的准确率要比 FedSGD 高。作者的解释是 model averaging produces a regularization ...
数据集实验(CIFAR) ⑤ 大范围LSTM模型实验 结论 ①本文提出的FedAVG算法,即通过增加本地计算量的方法对于非平衡non-IID数据,能够有效减少通信轮次 ②通过对比增加并行数量和增加单...分布式联合平均算法 算法名称FederatedAveraging Algorithm(FedAVG) 前景知识 – 有限和形式 min_ω∈Rdf(&omega智能...
The FedAvg algorithm is simple yet practical, averaging parameters uploaded by users with weights determined by the number of samples they own. While FedAvg partially protects privacy, the demands on aggregation algorithms are increasing with the advancement of federated learning. The experiment included...
Bearing fault diagnosis based on improved federated learning algorithmBearing fault diagnosisFederated learningConvolutional neural network (CNN)Federated averaging (FedAvg)68T05Bearing fault diagnosis can be used to accurately and automatically identify the type and severity of faults. Federation learning can...
Trade computation for communication,其实主要就是降低communication的次数,多做运算,少通讯。学术名叫Federated Averaging Algorithm. 用较少的次数完成收敛。 The i-th worker performs: 1。Receiving model parameterswfrom the server. 2。Repeating the following: ...