division of power Basic principle of federalism: Distribution of power between state and federal governments. separation of power Distribution of power between the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government. grants-in-aid program grants of federal money or other resources to States, ci...
"Grants of federal money or other resources to the states and/or their cities, counties, and other local units What is a unitary system? There is no division of power or responsibility; in a unitary system, the central government enjoys almost all the power. Power is not shared between sta...
Federalism 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 a check against tyranny; division of power into two or more LEVELS 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 37 Steve_Cuthbert1老師 Top creator on Quizlet· 2個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Vocab 12-Units 1-5 Semester Eam 老師140個詞語 charvey59 預覽 Lev...