Example: USA, Australia, Switzerland. Read the difference between Indian and the US government in the linked article. Aspirants reading the topic, ‘Federalism in India,’ are also suggested to read the following topics related to Indian Polity syllabus: Sources of Indian Constitution How a Bill...
significant federal elements existed in political systems across the globe, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, the European Union, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the USA, and Venezuela (Ela...
This, for example, is the case in Belgium, Canada, India, or Spain. These are plurinational federations or regional decentralised polities with institutional and regulatory challenges distinct from those faced by mononational federations such as the USA, Germany, Austria, Brazil, or Australia. This...
The words “Centre”, “Union”, and “federal” are used interchangeably in this paper. 2 in the assignment system in the Constitution and central intrusion into the States’ domains in the working of the federation. 2 Unlike the classical federations like the USA, Indian federation is ...
Many U.S. firms have outsourced jobs to countries like China and India. What did these countries offer that drew these firms away from the U.S. labor market? What are the problems you see in comparing the GDPs of two countries, such as the United Sta...
foundation for the remaining chapters that follow in order to link various demographic issues with the location-specific socioeconomic conditions and environment. References Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations School of Geoscience, Physics, and Safety, Warrensburg, MO, USA...
Administration of Value Added Tax (Goods and Services Tax) and Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria: Lessons from Australia, Canada, the USA, India and Ethiopia VALUE-added taxCONSUMPTION taxFEDERAL governmentSTATE taxationSALES taxOne of the incidences of federalism is that taxing powers are shared between...
This, for example, is the case in Belgium, Canada, India, or Spain. These are plurinational federations or regional decentralised polities with institutional and regulatory challenges distinct from those faced by mononational federations such as the USA, Germany, Austria, Brazil, or Australia. This...
Administration of Value Added Tax (Goods and Services Tax) and Fiscal Federalism in Nigeria: Lessons from Australia, Canada, the USA, India and EthiopiaNIGERIAETHIOPIAVALUE-added taxCONSUMPTION taxFEDERAL governmentSTATE taxationSALES taxOne of the incidences of federalism is that taxing powers are ...