5 Food assistance includes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as well as subsidized meals for low-income schoolchildren and home-delivered meals for the elderly. Similarly, no single trait characterizes the people served by these programs. They include elderly and disabled ...
housing and development, social services, employment and training, and energy assistance to low-income people and communities. Despite the common feature of an explicit low-income focus, these programs are extremely diverse in their purpose, design, and target population. They do not include social ...
Some commenters also stated that the definition of “affirmatively furthering fair housing” also needs to explicitly include improvement and preservation of subsidized housing. Other commenters stated that the rule should explicitly state development on public housing sites is consistent with the ...
• Health care dominates all other categories of benefits and services, accounting for nearly half of federal spending for low-income people. Cash aid is second but trails far behind, comprising 18% of spending in FY2009. Other categories, in decreasing size, are food assistance, housing and ...