Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) (2015), Economic data, FRB of St. Louis, enero.Money Supply Aggregates." Federal Reserve Economic Data. https://goo.gl/LxBQzf.Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. (2015). Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED. Retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St....
Note that release dates are published by data sources and do not necessarily represent when data will be available on the FRED or ALFRED websites. Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Release ID release_id integer The release identifier. Real-time Start realtime_start string The ...
fredapiis a Python API for theFREDdata provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.fredapiprovides a wrapper in python to theFRED web service, and also provides several convenient methods for parsing and analyzing point-in-time data (i.e. historic data revisions) fromALFRED ...
Footnote 4 Federal Reserve Board of Governors, “Chair Powell’s Press Conference,” Jan. 29, 2025. Return to content, Footnote 4 Footnote 5 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Asset: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation), retrieved from...
fredpy is a Python module for easily retrieving and manipulating data series from Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED). FRED is a repository of economic data maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. Free use of this software is welcome and subject to the terms of the license. Ple...
Louis Federal Reserve FRED database and find data on the percent of value of loans secured by collateral for all commercial and industrial loans (ESANQ) and the net percentage of domestic banks tightening standards for commercial and industrial loans to large and middle-market firms (DRTSCILM)....
Louis Federal Reserve FRED database and find data on the personal consumption expenditure price index (PCECTPI). Convert the units setting to “Percent Change from Year Ago,” and download the data. Beginning in January 2012, the Fed formally announced a 2% inflation goal over the “longer-...
Louis Fed's FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) page.[157] The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) examines many economic indicators prior to determining monetary policy.[158] 【参考译文】美联储记录并公布了大量数据。数据发布的网站包括理事会经济数据与研究页面[155]、理事会统计发布和历史数据页面[...
Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data Fred API. Installation npm install fred-api Get a FRED API key Sign up for a Fred API key: http://api.stlouisfed.org/api_key.html Usage Instantiate a client var Fred = require('fred-api'); apiKey = process.env.FRED_KEY; fred = new Fred(apiKey...
Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) The St. Louis Fed hosts and maintains the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED). Users can download, graph, and track more than 824,000US and international time series from more than 100 sources.78A wide variety of financial and macroeconomic data are a...