Federal Reserve Economic Data (Independent Publisher) (プレビュー)リファレンス フィードバック FRED には、年次、四半期、月次、週次、および日次の頻度で頻繁に更新される米国のマクロおよび地域の経済時系列が含まれています。 FRED は、さまざまなソース (そのほとんどは米国政府機関) か...
FederalReserveEconomicData" (服务连接)使用Wolfram 语言连接至联邦储备经济数据 (FRED®) API,以搜索和提取经济时间序列数据.连接与验证 要求 范例 基本范例(1) 通过启动验证对话框,创建新连接: In[1]:= Out[1]= 搜索域美国失业率相关的序列,并且按照序列 ID 排序: In[2]:= Out[2]= 按照频率搜索...
Federal Reserve Economic DatabaseFederal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
FederalReserveEconomicData" (服务连接)使用Wolfram 语言连接至联邦储备经济数据 (FRED®) API,以搜索和提取经济时间序列数据.连接与验证 要求 范例 基本范例(1) 通过启动验证对话框,创建新连接: 搜索域美国失业率相关的序列,并且按照序列 ID 排序: 按照频率搜索序列: 提取关于特定序列的数据:...
The database also contains research produced by third-party sources. At time of writing, FRED had information from 110sources. Its information is free and accessible on its website. Given its location in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, this outlet also produces regional economic data fo...
The meaning of FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM is the central banking system of the U.S. consisting of 12 districts with a Federal Reserve bank in the principal commercial city of each district.
Federal Reserve orFederal Reserve System n. The US central bank, a system of 12 Federal Reserve banks, each serving member commercial banks in its own district. This system, supervised by the Federal Reserve Board, has broad regulatory powers over the money supply and the credit structure. ...
Access both FRED and archived data (ALFRED) Combine multiple seriesThe St. Louis Federal Reserve makes available over 824,000 U.S. and international economic and financial time series to registered users. It's free. It's easy to register. It's called FRED. In Stata, you can directly acc...
has a relatively standard set of household demographics and typically contains other variables of analytic interest—savings behavior, subjective health status, inheritances received, intended bequests, etc. (For more information about the SCF, see their website:http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/oss...
The latest news from the Federal Reserve. Extensive coverage and analysis of the Fed's monetary policy decisions and reports, including updates on US interest rates.