美联储的组织结构独特且复杂,由多个层级和部门组成。最高层级是美联储理事会(Board of Governors),它负责制定货币政策、监管银行体系以及执行相关法律。理事会下设多个委员会,如货币政策委员会、金融市场委员会等,分别负责不同领域的决策和监管。此外,美联储还设有12个地区性的联邦...
美联储货币政策的最高决策机构包括联邦储备局的7名执行委员(Members of the Board of Governors)和12名联邦储备银行的主席(Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks)。美联储最重要的货币政策被称作公开市场操作,日常说的美联储公开市场会议(或者议息会议)就是为制定这个政策而召开的。公开市场政策由华盛顿的...
banks. The 12 Federal Reserve Banks act as “banks for the banks.” When the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve changes the federal funds rate, it causes other banks to act accordingly, thereby controlling the flow of money into the economy. Learn More What Does the Fed Actually Do...
The word “system” is important for understanding that the Fed is not a single central bank like in many other countries. Instead, it consists of three main entities [1]: The Federal Reserve Board of Governors. 12 Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Open Market Committee. For more details,...
TheBoard of Governorsof the Federal Reserve System, called theFederal Reserve Boardor FRB for short, is a seven-member body that governs theFederal Reserve System, the U.S. central bank in charge of making the country’s monetary policy.1 ...
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2013 Resolution ConferenceWilliam F. Kroener III
Fed′eral Reserve′ Sys`tem n. a U.S. federal banking system that is under the control of a central board of governors (Fed′eral Reserve′ Board`) with a central bank (Fed′eral Reserve′ Bank`) in each of 12 districts and that has wide powers in controlling credit and the flow of...
美国联邦储备委员会(The Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System), 简称美联储委员会(Federal Reserve Board),是美国联邦储备系统(The Federal Reserve System)的核心管理机构,它是一个美国 联邦政府机构,其办公地点位于美国华盛顿特区(Washington D.C.)。“美联储”一般是对美国联邦储备系统的简称,而非...
function as China Bank Federal Reserve System. B. is the counterpart of People's Bank of China C. Board of governors is the supreme policy-makers of C. is subjected to the banking community and government America D. has top officers who can influence the American D. District Reserve banks...