In addition to central banking activities, one of the most useful services by the St. Louis Fed is FRED, or the Federal Reserve Economic Database. This is a massive clearinghouse of business and government statistics, from balance of trade figures to commodity prices. The bank also offers seve...
In addition, the balance sheet also indicates which assets are held as collateral against Federal Reserve Notes. 【参考译文】此外,资产负债表还表明了哪些资产被用作美联储票据的抵押品。 As of August 2024, the Fed's total assets on balance sheet are $7.139 trillion.[181]【参考译文】截至2024年8...
I have argued (seehereandhere) that initially the Federal Reserve will welcome a“fiscal boost”to support aggregate demand as the Fed for some odd reason is not willing to use monetary policy to hit the 2% inflation target. However, the alliance between the Trump administration and the Federa...
The Humean concern was dismissed by the Smithian tradition, recognizing that banks, even if unconstrained by reserve requirements, have no incentive to issue liabilities without limit. The Smithian concern was whether banks could cope with balance-sheet risks after unexpected losses in the value of...
When the economy tilts toward recession (shaded areas), the Federal Reserve can stimulate the economy by lowering the Fed funds rate (red line). In 2020, the Fed began adding to the assets on its balance sheet (blue line) to help stabilize asset prices and keep longer-dated borrowing costs...
Fed’s balance sheet; great recession; instrumental variables; quantitative easing; tapering; COVID-19 JEL: E50; G12; G18; H121. Introduction In response to the 2007 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve (Fed) implemented a number of programs, including policies to uphold liquidity of ...
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level [WALCL]; Federal Funds Effective Rate [FEDFUNDS]. Retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;; http...