Prescription drug warning labels are regulated by both state products liability law and federal regulations imposed by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Often, federal law acts as a minimum standard to which sta...
Everyone should have at least a vague familiarity with the U.S. Federal Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines, as no less than 31 federal programs use them (or a multiple of) to determine eligibility requirements and assistance. Additionally, many state and local programs use them as well. Some of...
A bank security officer’s duties may include responsibility for Bank Secrecy Act requirements under Regulation H. This includes ensuring that suspicious activity reports (i.e., suspicious financial transactions over a specified amount) are filed with appropriate federal law enforcement agencies and the...
Usually… –SeeOregon:MedicalMarijuana,DeathWith DignityActs –“State’srights”issues(See:CivilWar) RegulatoryAgencies •OregonBoardofPharmacy •DrugEnforcementAdministration(DEA) •FoodandDrugAdministration(FDA) •OregonPublicHealthServices •CentersforMedicareandMedicaidServices (CMS) •FederalTrade...
In summer 1991 the German Association for the Study of Pain launched an initiative directed at simplification of the prescription requirements for such analgesics and submitted the suggestions to the ministries responsible. In the meantime a draft bill has been presented by the Ministry of Health, ...
Requirements on Content and Format of Labeling for Human Prescription Drugs and Biologics; Requirements for Prescription Drug Product Labels; Reopening of Comment PeriodAnn M. Witt
Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1987; Prescription Drug Amendments of 1992; Policies, Requirements, and Administrative Procedures; Delay of Effective DateMargaret M. Dotzel
Prescription Drug Marketing Act Pedigree Requirements under 21 CFR Part 203 Compliance Policy Guide and Guidance for Industry: Prescription Drug Marketing Act Pedigree Requirements Questions and Answers; Notice of AvailabilityJeffrey Shuren
Registration Requirements for Importers and Manufacturers of Prescription Drug Products Containing Ephedrine, Pseudoephedrine, or PhenylpropanolamineJoseph T. Rannazzisi
Prescription Drug Marketing Act Pedigree Requirements; Effective Date and Compliance Policy Guide; Request for CommentJeffrey Shuren