After obtaining a bachelor’s degree, receiving all necessary certification, and working as a Federal Probation Officer for six months, you will be eligible to advance in the position of “Deputy Probation Officer I” depending on your work performance. Further advancement into the role of “Deput...
Probation Officer Perceptions in Federal Reentry CourtsRizzo, MadelenaHeilbrun, KirkFederal Probation
, where a probation officer will detail any aggravating and mitigating factors present in the case. Most reports contain the offender’s prior criminal record, personal characteristics, financial background, and social history, as well as information regarding the effect of the crime on the victim....
That's their goal -- its to break your spirit so you simply give up, plead guilty and go to prison... just so they can add your name to the countless others before you to further their careers. It's simply a numbers game and they will win... if you let them” Understand this, ...
Responsibilities of the probation officer prescribed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure; Effect of the officer's responsibility in plea bargaining processes; Inclusion of the federal probation officer in the court community or court-work group....
Discusses the challenges faced by the probation officer through an examination of the duty and tasks of a presentence investigator prior to and after implementation of guideline sentencing in the United States. Life before guidelines; Life after guidelines; Meeting the challenge; Related observations....
How the officer's role has changed over the decades; Job complexity and multifacetedness of a probation officer.doi:10.2753/CLG0009-460927055Cosgrove, Edward JFederal ProbationCosgrove, E. J. (1994). Robo-po: The life and times of a federal probation officer. Federal Probation , 58 (3), ...
Pearson correlation and a structural model reveal significant relationships between a variety of variables such as the agency where a probation officer works, perceptions of participation in workplace decision making, job satisfaction, and physical stress as predictors of turnover intention. The results ...
Denzlinger, Jerry D.Miller, David E.Fed Probation