PREVAILING WAGE ; State Senate Nixes Using Federal Davis Bacon Act RatesLegislation to repeal West Virginia's 81-year-old Prevailing WageAct (HB 4005) is one 18-16 vote...Kabler, Phil
evailing wage rules CONTRACTOR PAYS WORKERS BACK WAGES; Superfund cleanup subject to federal prevailing wage rulesCONTRACTOR PAYS WORKERS BACK WAGES; Superfund cleanup subject to federal prevailing wage rulesBecky Kramer
A business could meet the prevailing wage requirement either by paying workers in accordance with an eligible collective agreement, or by paying workers at or above the equivalent prevailing wage. The definition of eligible collective agreement will vary depending on whether the workers are governed by...
Under the Budget 2023, Canada’s government pledged $30 billion in recapped investment to the Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways (SREPs) program, a program that supports regional priorities and indigenous-led projects.Prevailing Wage and ApprenticeshipsSimilar to the U.S. IRA, the ...
While workers would earn more money, critics such as the Associated Builders and Contractors say the new rule will make construction projects more expensive for taxpayers. The measure would restore a definition of the “prevailing wage” scrapped by President Ronald Reagan that the Biden admi...
In December 2023, the Petitioner filed a petition seeking an election to determine whether the firefighters no longer wanted the Union to represent them. The Petitioner asserted that the Union failed to adequately represent the fire‑department employees. To support this assertion, the Petitioner ...
Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System Wage Surveys.A summary is presented of the proposed rule issued by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) that would update the 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes ...
Prevailing Rate Systems; North American Industry Classification System Based Federal Wage System Wage SurveysLinda M. Springer
Prevailing Rate Systems; Redefinition of the Austin, TX and Waco, TX, Appropriated Fund Federal Wage System Wage Areas.The article presents information on a final rule issued by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management for redefining of the geographic boundaries of areas including Austin and Waco...
Prevailing Rate Systems; Change in Nonappropriated Fund Federal Wage System Survey Schedule From Fiscal Year to Calendar YearLinda M. Springer