driven principally by the hurricane seasons of 2005, 2008, and Hurricane Sandy.1As concern over the size of federal budget deficits and the national debt has grown, so has congressional attention to both the amount of funding the federal government provides to states and localities for...
Federal involvement in providing benefits and services for people with low income generally began in the first part of the 20thcentury, largely after the Great Depression overwhelmed the resources of states, local governments, and private organizations, which previously had borne primary responsibility fo...
ities For FY2006, in CERP ill b u n d er th e Cen l an Flo r o ect. b 600s 500illion 400$m Fi s c a Ye a r Source: o u t h F ori d a Ecos y s t e m R orat Prog ram Fi s c al Y e 2000 and 2005 C ...
Sales of locally produced foods comprise a small but growing part of U.S. agricultural sales. Estimates vary but indicate that local food sales total between $4 billion to $12 billion annually. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that local food sales totaled $6.1 billion in...
Many existing federal assistance programs also allow states and localities to request waivers from certain requirements within individual programs. Thesewaivers are authorized by Congress and usually give the secretary of the departmentoverseeing a program discretion to allow grantees to be exempt from ...