In addition, EPA is taking final action to correct and clarify regulatory provisions related to emissions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction (SSM), including removing exemptions for periods of SSM. EPA is also requiring owners and operators to demonstrate compliance through the ...
Maintaining an updated GSA (General Services Administration) contract is critical to staying competitive in the federal marketplace. Contracts that are left unchanged for extended periods can lead to missed opportunities, revenue loss, and operational disruptions. With constant technological advances, regula...
1 under Sub-Artcle (2) and within 30 days of the notice and demand, the person assessed does not ~il'r h1-'lh~A f-f'mf«l>~1 -f'QJ.li7t ;f-hil pay the additional assessment or appeal the assess- !Ah~l\ Wf.9" O~lt~~ I\f. ""&.;r ill\~ Oil1«1>7\ ment as...