Four auctions of federal oil and gas leases have been rescheduled for December with the proviso that they will be online auctions. Online auctions are not susceptible to physical disruption by environmental activists, a point the Bureau of Land Management did not mention in its Oct. 13 scheduling... is a searchable online database of competitive Wyoming Federal and State Oil & Gas Lease Sale Notices and Results. Search State and Federal leases in Wyoming by township, range, winning bidder, county, and more. Graph feature allows
This paper extends the theory of legal cartels to a.liated private value and common value environments, and applies the theory to explain joint bidding patterns in U.S. federal government o.shore oil and gas lease auctions. We show that e.cient collusion is always possible in private value ...
Discusses the concept of private property in the United States in relation to the federal oil and gas lease rights. Laws on oil and gas leasing on federal lands; Discussion of the `Bass Enterprises Production Co. v. United States' case; Principles for regulatory taking of oil and gas lease...
Federal Lease means an agreement which, in considera- tion of bonuses and royalties conferred and covenants to be observed, grants to a lessee the exclusive right and privilege of exploring for, developing, or producing, or any or all of these, oil and gas, coal, oil shale, tar sands, ...
Learn how federal tax law changes could impact your tax return in 2010 and beyond. Here is a summary of all federal tax law changes between 2010 - 2017.
Oil and Gas Abstract Services, Title Search, Lease file copies, State and Federal Title Experts, Mineral Ownership Reports
How about a country has to much gas, oil, corn and wheat so we help fuel and feed the world for money. But Europe farts, commodities are interrupted and the exporters pay the price? It’s those oligarchs I say. It’s those politicians I say. Our system lacks any kind of...
d Oil and Gas Lease WYOMING: Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas LeaseWYOMING: Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas LeaseJulie L. Weaver
Notice of Proposed Reinstatement of Terminated Oil and Gas Lease TXNM 106959Lourdes B. Ortiz