单词Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs 释义SeeFBCA 英汉缩略语词收录了1186255条英文缩写词条,提供最新英文缩写(缩略词)查询及其意思解释,包括月份的英文缩写,有限公司英文缩写等英文缩略词。
Hansen, U. and Schoenheit, I. (1986) `Consumer affairs departments: a report on their development in the United States and their transferability to the federal republic of Germany', Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.445-468....
Federal Bureau of Investigation- a federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice FBI Department of Justice,DoJ,Justice Department,Justice- the United States federal department responsible for enforcing federal laws (including the enforcement of all civ...
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy, and U.S. Air Force Chief Information Officer Former Learn more by requesting a demo Who to Watch T Toomics Toomics is a South Korean webtoon platform. Hotmail Hotmail provides Web-ba...
VA Secretary Doug Collins will lead the Office of Government Ethics and the Office of Special Counsel until new directors are named. 3 weeks ago VA leaders working with DOGE but say veterans’ personal info is secure An employee from the controversial new department will review VA contracts and...
Benjamin W. McDonough, Deputy Secretary and Ombudsman, Office of the Secretary, Board Ann E. Misback, Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Board Linsey Molloy,4 Associate Director, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Kevin B. Moore, Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statist...
Village Capital announced the winners of the $50,000 prize awarded to social entrepreneurs who don’t “self-define as social entrepreneurs”. The winners didn’t start out thinking of themselves as social enterprises. Grant Scams? Learn How to Identify and Avoid Grant ScamsMore...
The banking agencies committed to refer cases of potential illegal conduct associated with supposed "prime bank" documents to a senior official in the Washington, D.C., office of the SEC and to the local offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation because almost all "prime bank" schemes app...
Jonathan P. McCarthy, Economic Research Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Ann E. Misback, Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Board Michelle M. Neal, Head of Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Edward Nelson, Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Affairs, Board ...
The board of governors includes several subcommittees with their chairs and vice chairs. These are the committees on Board Affairs; consumer and community affairs; economic and monetary affairs; financial stability; Federal Reserve Bank affairs; supervision and regulation; payments, clearing, and settlem...