Federal National Mortgage AssociationMidtown Center, 1100 15Th St, NwWASHINGTON 20005United StatesUSA Phone+1 (202) 752-7000 Websitehttps://www.fanniemae.com/ HolderShares% Held Pershing Square Capital Management LPas of 01 Feb 2024115.57m9.98% ...
Find the latest Federal National Mortgage Association 4.75% PRF PERPETUAL USD 50 (FNMAL) annual income statements, balance sheets, financial statements, ratios, and cash flow data at Nasdaq.com.
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Noun1.Federal National Mortgage Association- a federally chartered corporation that purchases mortgages Fannie Mae,FNMA corp,corporation- a business firm whose articles of incorporation have been approved in some state Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University,...
Federal National Mortgage Association 5.375% PRF PERPETUAL USD 100000 (FNMFO) Pre-Market Es posible que los inversores hagan transacciones previas a la apertura del mercado (de 4:00 a 9:30 a.m., hora del este de EE. UU.) y tras el cierre del mercado (de 4:00 a 8:00 p.m., ...
Federal National Mortgage Association.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary
Federal National Mortgage AssociationCompany Information Updated: Country: Headquarters: Industry:Diversified Financials CEO:James A. Johnson Website:https://www.fanniemae.com Ticker:FNM Company type: Revenues ($M):$22,246 Profits ($M):$2,372 Market value ($M): Number of employees:3,300...
Federal National Mortgage Association/FNMA 中文 联邦国民抵押贷款协会 解释 〈美〉成立于1938年,由美国政府特许成立,但由私人所有和经营。负责为由退伍军人管理局或联邦住宅管理局担保的抵押债券的买卖提供二级抵押债券市场。该协会的英文简称为Fannie Mae。 最新资讯 来胜音频课 来胜直播课 小蒙老师 咨询 可以在此...
Federal National Mortgage Association 4.75% PRF PERPETUAL USD 50 (FNMAL) Revenue EPS<过去三年 未来三年> ©2023 OTC Markets Group EDGAR®Online 部门版权所有。EDGAR® 是美国证券交易监督委员会的联邦注册商标。EDGAR Online 不隶属于美国证券交易监督委员会,也不需要经其批准。
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