联邦燃油燃料MotorfuelFuelMOTORFUELmotor 系统标签: fuelattribution发动机燃料motorhighway联邦 TheBuckStartsHereTheBuckStartsHere MotorFuelAttribution: FHWAEstimationofHighwayTrust FundTaxReceiptsFromEachState Apportionments FundsforseveralFHWAprogramsare apportionedtotheStates: Formulabased Generallymadewithoutregardtoth...
The federal excise tax on motor fuels and the highway trust fund: Current law and legislative history The federal government levies an excise tax on various motor fuels. Under current law, the tax rate is 18.3 cents per gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents per gallon on diesel fuel. A 0.1 ...
Walls, W. D., Rusco F. W. (2007). "Price Effects of Boutique Motor Fuels: Federal Environmental Standards, Regional Fuel Choices, and Local Gasoline Prices," The Energy Journal, International Association for Energy Economics, 28(3), 145- 164....
So, vehicles meeting the critical mineral and battery component requirements are eligible for a total tax credit of up to $7,500. Below, we'll cover the specific requirements and how they change over time. The timing on these requirements could push to later in 2023 if the Treasury's ...
Motor-fuel, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit P.O. Box 2999 Annapolis, MD 21404-2999 Phone: 410/260-7980 Fax: 410/974-3201 **Production per year is generally governed by the United States government at 100 gallons per adult per year, or up to 200 gallons per year if their are 2 adults ...
英语翻译big,fuel-hungry vehicle General MotorHummer divisionChevy VoltThe Federal Highway AdministrationThe American Pubulic Transportation AssociationThe International Air Transport AssociationContinental Airlines jet fuelrecord-high fuel专有
Motor Vehicles; FY 2004 Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) ReportW.R. Ashworth
EvaluationLeakageFiresTrucksPassenger vehiclesIllinoisMichiganPolice accident data from Illinois (for six years) and from Michigan (for three years) were used to estimate the effect of FMVSS 301 in real crashes. The effect to be observed was a change in crash fire or fuel leakage rates associated...
Evaluation of federal motor vehicle safety standard 301–375, fuel system integrity: Passenger cars: G. G. Parsons, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Program Evaluation, Washington, DC, 1983. NTIS No. DOT HS-806-335...
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, Compressed Natural Gas Fuel Container IntegrityRicardo Martinez