1917 (pursuant tothe Crimes Act of 1914 and the War Precautions Regulations of 1917),after an incident involving the protection of the Prime Minister in Queensland; known as "The Warwick Incident". In 1919,the Commonwealth Police Force (C.P.F) was officially disband...
she said. TYPE OF An absolute nightmare situation may come to surface for political leaders if a tie occurs in the federal elections of Australia. Parties generally treat individual seat polls with caution, and they only
Suresh Rajan has had a distinguished career in economics as well as having been a vigorous advocate for ethnic communities and people with disabilities. He served for several years as head of the Ethnic Communities Council of WA and is currently the President of the National Ethnic Disability Alli...
WINNER! Stampboards 'Poster Of The Month' Posts: 107678 Joined: 28 Dec 2017 11:07 Location: Sunny Golden Beach Queensland. Re: Will Anthony Albanese win the upcoming Australian Federal Election? Post by Ubobo.R.O. » 11 Apr 2022 13:08 I will find out what Alan Jones thinks and then...