Marijuana Legalization Faces Federal HurdlesWendy Kaufman
HIGH FEDERALISM: MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION AND THE LIMITS OF FEDERAL POWER TO REGULATE STATES.The conflict between state marijuana legalization and the blanket federal marijuana prohibition of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) has created a federalism crisis in which the duties of state officials to ...
In the new notices, SAMHSA acknowledges receiving numerous comments advocating for reconsideration of the marijuana testing policy, with many individuals seizing the opportunity to advocate for federal cannabis legalization. Nevertheless, SAMHSA maintains that the current law justifies the revised guidance. ...
an increasing number of Tribes have become involved in the cannabis industry. Many Tribes, particularly those in California, have been involved in the medical marijuana industry for over a decade. This involvement is not without its legal limitations. For example, California Tribes are sub...
Schwartz, David S. 2013. High federalism: Marijuana legalization and the limits of federal power to regulate states. Cardozo Law Review, 35: 567-641.Schwartz, David S., "High Federalism: Marijuana Legalization and the Limits of Federal Power to Regulate States," Cardozo Law Review, Vol....
Sacco, Lisa N. and Kristin Finklea. 2013. "State Marijuana Legalization Initiatives: Implications for Federal Law Enforcement." Congressional Research Service. Retrieved November 1, 2013 from ( R43164.pdf)....
medical marijuanaEver since Californians voted to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, state and federal drug laws have been on something of a collision course. In the years sincKreit, AlexSocial Science Electronic PublishingAlex Kreit, The Federal Response to State Marijuana Legalization: Room for ...
AG: Proposed D.C. Marijuana-Legalization Referendum Would Violate Federal Law
Synopsis: Sixty-four percent of Americans are against the U.S. government's taking steps to enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in states where marijuana is legal. But Americans are split overall on whether marijuana use should be legal.F...
Analysis: State and federal governments at odds over legalization of medical marijuanaNOAH ADAMS