The article reports on the support of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) to the Insurance Information Act of 2008. Accordingly, the leaders of the association sent correspondence manifesting their support to Representative Paul Kanjorski, U.S. House Financial Services Subcommittee...
•LFI Rating System: Each insurance holding company would be rated using the LFI rating system as opposed to the risk management practices, financial condition, potential impact, composite, and depository institution (RFI/C (D)) ratings system previously used for insurance savin...
Federal health insurance requirements generally apply to health plans sold in the private health insurance market in the United States (i.e., individual coverage, small- and large-group coverage, and self-insured plans). However, not all private health coverage arrangements comply with these require...
Examples include employer payment of group term life insurance premiums over a certain monetary amount, personal use of a company car, and other non-cash awards.Incumbent In Oracle HRMS, the term Incumbent refers to an active worker (employee or contingent worker)....
Michael McRaith, the Illinois director of insurance says that the legislation has won the qualified support of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). However, Brian Kennedy, the Rhode Island State representative argued against NAIC having a main role in the Office of Insurance ...
NAIC supports fed standards for LTC ins. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners support of federal regulations for long-term care insurance)Fisher, Mary Jane
Dingell aide compares NAIC, federal regulation. (John D. Dingell, National Association of Insurance Commissioners)Brostoff, Steven
Surety Companies Acceptable On Federal Bonds: ACE American Insurance Company (NAIC # 22667), ACE Property and Casualty Insurance Company (NAIC# 20699), Bankers Standard Insurance Company (NAIC# 18279), Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (NAIC# 4...
Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds--Terminations: Factory Mutual Insurance Company (NAIC #21482), Affiliated FM Insurance Company (NAIC #10014)Rose M. Miller
NAIC group trying to get NAIFA to back off stance on federal role.(Regulation Battles)(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors)Brostoff, Steven