Monday, October 10 Columbus Day 2022 ** -761 Friday, November 11 Veterans Day 2022 -729 Thursday, November 24 Thanksgiving 2022 -716 Sunday, December 25 Christmas Day 2022 -685 Monday, December 26 Christmas Day 2022 (observed) -684 Federal Holidays by Year: 20242025202620272028 The federal ho...
A list of United States federal holidays in 2022 is shown below. For convenience, the number of days left to a holiday date is also provided. Federal holidays are public holidays established for federal employees in the Federal law (5 United States Code 6103) by the United States Congress. ...
Calendar 2022 with federal holidays and free printable templates in PDF, Word (.docx) and Excel (.xlsx) formats
2025Feb 1 2024Feb 1 2023Feb 1 2022Feb 3 Summary Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, Putrajaya only. Anniversary of the formation of the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory in 1974 Which regions observe Federal Territory Day in 2025? National HolidayRegional HolidayNot a public holidayGovt Holiday ...
If you are Seeking for aList of Holidaysfor the year of 2020? Below is an overview of the most common (2020) holidays that will fall in 2020, the dates on which they fall and the weekday they are on in 2020. Check Out Bank Holidays 2020, Public Holidays 2020, Federal Holidays 2020...
After years of mistreatment, Ireland's laundry workers (who were almost entirely women) decided they were done putting up with the long hours and harsh conditions. The Irish Women's Worker Union went on strike, and after 14 weeks, they won the right to a second week of holidays every year...