You can query groups of employees with similar assignments (such as all assignments on Grade GS-12) and make changes for each employee in these groups. The assignment is datetracked to maintain a work history of the employee as he or she moves through the agency. The table below summarizes...
An entry-level federal cover letter with no experience can still wow them. But—if you can’t start with a work achievement, whatcanyou start with? You can use a school accomplishment, referral, your passion for the work, an award, or anything else that telegraphs your skills. See these...
Within this segment of the population, there has been growth in the senior pay grades over time, as shown in Figure 2.12. Further examination of those in alternative pay plans might yield additional information on overall pay structure and seniority. The median pay grade within the GS/Related ...
When you process a salary change action or an automatic Within Grade Increases (WGI) or Quality Step Increases (QSI) for GS and equivalent pay plans, the application determines if the person's position or retained grade contains a special rate table. The pay calculation process sets the Pay ...
In the winter of 1959-60, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) conducted its first survey specifically designed to compare salaries of white-collar workers in private industry with the salaries established in the 15 Federal General Schedule (GS) grade levels that covered a large majority of F...