Free info on all government grants U.S. agencies - descriptions of every domestic program. Grants available for individuals, small business and nonprofit orgnizations.
1Includesasmallamountofgrantstostateandlocalgovernmentsanddirectpaymentsforindividuals.2Includessome off-budgetamounts;mostoftheoff-budgetamountsaredirectpaymentsforindividuals(socialsecuritybenefits).3GDPmeans GrossDomesticProduct. Source:U.S.OfficeofManagementandBudget,BudgetoftheUnitedStatesGovernment,HistoricalTab...
CoG is integrated with the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) data distribution software and provides an easy to use interface to its services.  CoG is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. -- Note added...
Cane Growers at a Loss; NSW Farmers Voice Concern over Federal Govt Flood Relief Grants