The Federal Government needs to secure, modernize, and scale their digital infrastructure to keep services open. Axway provides the means to get important data to the people who need it.
Decades of collaboration with both defense and civilian sectors have established us as a trusted partner for government. Compliance by Default Full-featured toolkit for improving compliance with record keeping, auditing, security, privacy, and CUI/PII. Automate & Enhance Leverage interconnected content...
92%of the Fortune 100 New report The 2025 State of the Database Landscape Report sheds light on the current state of database management and offers valuable insights into how organizations can navigate and simplify the growing complexities. ...
For example, a policy can discoverPersonally Identifying Information (PII)data stored in a document in OneDrive and allow organizations to take specific action if a document matches a policy. MCAS can automatically apply AIP labels protecting the document, notify a manager, and various other controls...
Government Information QuarterlyBruce Morton.Canadian federal government policy and Canada‘s electronic information industry.Governmen t Information Quarterly. 1995Morton, Bruce. (1995). Canadian federal government policy andCanada's electronic information industry. Government Information Quarterly, 32,251-295...
We Specialize in helping government employees transition from work to retirement. You may have questions about when and how can retire. This Report addresses common questions and presents strategies to help you prepare for retirement. FedResourceComfortableRetirement (pdf)DownloadThe...
Federal, state, and local government agencies handle lots of PII, CJI, PHI, and CUI, all of it vulnerable to targeted cyberattacks. Government contractors are just as susceptible. With the Kiteworks Private Content Network, government agencies and contractors protect the sensitive information that ke...
With Box for government, teams collaborate securely from anywhere (inside and outside your agency), while you maintain adherence to strict regulatory and compliance requirements. That’s why 325+ federal agencies trust the Content Cloud for everything from inspections to investigations, field ...
Electronic government (e-government) seeks to streamline the service delivery process to a variety of users (individuals, businesses, and other government organizations) through a combination of technology, management, and policy. Most e-government programs and related theoretical models assume that publi...
Compromises of a moderate-impact system could severely damage the operations and mission of a government agency. This damage could affect digital assets, harm individuals, or result in financial losses. A notable example of medium-risk data is personally identifiable information (PII). The baseline...