FRED aggregates economic data from a variety of sources- most of which are US government agencies. The economic time series in FRED contain observation or measurement periods associated with data values.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
Government Accountability Office (GAO). 89 Fed. Reg 22713. According to the notice, GAO is initiating a review of EPA’s practices for managing and accessing the performance of EPA’s New Chemicals Review program under TSCA Section 5. To do so, GAO has requested access to records, data, ...
See discussion government will operate one. State has the option to combine the two Exchanges into one below HHS must provide technical Exchange. assistance to States to facilitate small business Funding Opportunity for the State: Beginning in 2011, grants are participation in SHOP ...
In terms ofdollarincreases between the two years, health care saw the largest growth, with $61 billion of additional obligations in FY2009. More than half of this increase (54%) resulted from provisions in ARRA that temporarily raised the federal share of Medicaid costs. However, growth in M...
Beginning with the first pay period in 1971, the act established what is commonly referred to as the "big six" formula. The big six formula is equal to the simple average of the premiums of six benefit plans: the two government-wide plans (the service benefit plan and the indemnity plan...
4) Notify the tax payer the additional tax to be paid in accordance with this Proclamation; 5) as regards goods imported: (a) sell such goods where the tax in respect of them is not paid within six months from the day of deposit within the premises of government warehouse, or in the ...
(FY2015), although they were not required to fully disclose how much excess capacity they had unless they actually succeeded in contracting it out to non-refiners (U.S. Government Accountability Office2015). All of the approximately 93 MMCF of helium sold during BLM’s auction in July 2014 ...
FRED aggregates economic data from a variety of sources- most of which are US government agencies. The economic time series in FRED contain observation or measurement periods associated with data values.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
FRED aggregates economic data from a variety of sources- most of which are US government agencies. The economic time series in FRED contain observation or measurement periods associated with data values.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
The Federal Pell Grant Program is the largest education program for people with limited incomes, accounting for 58% of targeted federal education spending in FY2013 and ranking as the fifth-largest program in this report. Pell Grants are one of several ways the federal government helps subsidize ...