Because federal legalization isn’t that likely right now, it appears that cannabis will continue to be viewed as a controlled substance by thefederal government. States that have legalized CBD may vote in favor of medicinal use. In contrast, those with no issue with medicinal marijuana dispensari...
Legalization of marijuana has become the battle cry of many in the United States who are weary of the so-called "war on drugs" and are anxious for the federal government to allow them to use marijuana as their vice of choice. In the aftermath of several states choosing to legalize ...
Additional questions could arise following the November 5 election, as the voters in Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Florida go to the polls and cast their votes on marijuana legalization in their states. We’ll have to wait and see what the future holds for addi...
Similar percentages of Americansopposethe federal government’s interference in states that have already decided to legalize marijuana for either medical or adult-use purposes. It is time for federal lawmakers in both chambers — and those on the right side of the aisle in particular — to stand ...
HIGH FEDERALISM: MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION AND THE LIMITS OF FEDERAL POWER TO REGULATE STATES.The conflict between state marijuana legalization and the blanket federal marijuana prohibition of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) has created a federalism crisis in which the duties of state officials to ...
Among them are memorandums issued by the Department of Justice in 2009 and 2013 that indicated the government would not intrude on state marijuana legalization schemes or prosecute individuals for marijuana-activity if it complies with state law. He added that since 2015, Congress has ...
Increased Use of Medical Marijuana: Skepticism vs. Evidence The use of medical marijuana-both the psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol and its nonpsychoactive relative cannabidiol-is a growing practice in facilities served by senior care pharmacists. Currently, 30 states have approved its use under ... JY...
(CSA) passed in 1970, the federal government maintains a complete prohibition of marijuana. Of course, the federal government lacks any constitutional authority to ban or regulate cannabis within the borders of a state, despite the opinion of the politically connected ...
In the new notices, SAMHSA acknowledges receiving numerous comments advocating for reconsideration of the marijuana testing policy, with many individuals seizing the opportunity to advocate for federal cannabis legalization. Nevertheless, SAMHSA maintains that the current law justifies the revised guidance. ...
A grower in Northern California says there is fear among marijuana farmers, but, he says, inherent risk is part of the industry until federal legalization. “It’s like we’re all on the beach surfing and every now and then one of us gets eaten by a shark,” says the grower. “Just...